Wage Garnishment in Georgia

What Is Wage Garnishment?
Wage garnishment occurs when a court order requires your employer to withhold money from your paycheck. It is usually the result of a court judgment where you’re found financially responsible for a certain amount of money. Garnishment attorneys can be crucial in preventing your wage garnishment.
How Do I Stop Wage Garnishment in Georgia?
Bankruptcy is the only way to prevent wage garnishment unless you’re able to dispute the validity of the garnishment. Filing for bankruptcy with the help of a garnishment attorney prevents wage garnishment because it generates an “automatic stay.”
Automatic stays prevent collection actions by creditors, including but not limited to garnishing your wages. Automatic stays go into effect immediately after bankruptcy is filed, regardless of whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
If you would like to estimate Chapter 7 qualification, or how much filing for bankruptcy would cost, you can do so below using the calculator below
What Is Next? Should I Contact a Wage Garnishment Attorney?
To learn more about ending wage garnishment by filing for bankruptcy, give our wage garnishment attorneys in Georgia a call at (678) 323-2394 or request a consultation today. We have offices in Athens, Conyers, Duluth, Morrow, Kennesaw, and Gainesville for your convenience.
At Burrow & Associates, our clients’ financial peace and stability come first. “Law is Our Expertise. Faith is Our Foundation.”