If you have been struggling to pay your bills, you may be dealing with creditor threats or wage garnishment. Having your employer take a portion of your paycheck and send it to your creditor is a painful way to repay debts. It also may cause you to fall even further behind on bills like your…
If you lease or finance a vehicle, you’ll likely sign a contract with a lender promising to make your payments on time. This contract is called a loan agreement or a promissory note. The lending company maintains legal rights and has a lien on the title to that vehicle until it’s paid off. If you…
If you are in financial trouble and are considering filing for bankruptcy, there are certain actions you should avoid. Here are a few things that you should NOT do when filing for bankruptcy: raiding your retirement accounts, paying back friends or family, incurring any new debt, transferring property or assets, or purchasing any luxury items….
Can I File for Bankruptcy and Keep My Car? If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be wondering “can I keep my car if I file for bankruptcy?” The good news is, it’s actually rare that you will lose your primary vehicle in a bankruptcy. The bankruptcy system is set up to allow debtors…
Bankruptcy & Homeownership | Burrow & Associates – YouTube Many people wonder if they can keep their house if they file for bankruptcy. With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be able to keep your home, even in bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy case is intended to give you a fresh start by discharging unsecured…
Bankruptcy & Credit | Burrow & Associates – YouTube One of the biggest fears that people have about filing for bankruptcy is the potential impact to their credit score. Bankruptcy will affect your credit score, but it’s important to remember that this impact is only temporary, and it’s usually not as bad as people think…
How Long Does It Take To Restore Credit After Bankruptcy? If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be curious as to how long that bankruptcy will affect your credit score. Bankruptcy can impact your finances for several years. But, on the bright side, it can give you and your family a fresh financial…
What Happens When Your Car is Repossessed in Georgia? If you lease or finance a car, truck, or other vehicle, your creditor maintains legal rights on that vehicle until it’s paid off. Under Georgia law, if you fail to make your payments on time or default on other legal obligations, the creditor has the right…
Bankruptcy Expert Michael Burrow Weighs In On Major Announcement From Consumer Credit-Reporting Firms Three of the largest consumer credit-reporting companies are removing medical debt from their customer’s credit reports. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion recently made the collective decision to change their reporting. Beginning in July, the three companies will remove nearly 70% of paid medical…
The Cost of Carrying Credit Card Debt Will Increase in 2022 If you’re one of the millions of US consumers who are using their credit cards to cover their purchases – be prepared for an interest hike. During the pandemic, credit card holders paid off $83 million in debt, thanks to government stimulus checks and…