Debt Collection Lawsuits

What is a Debt Collection Lawsuit?
A debt collection lawsuit is also known as a creditor lawsuit, which is a formal legal proceeding that is used to collect debts. It can be started by the original creditor, a debt collection agency, a debt buyer, or anyone else that has an ownership interest in a debt. To protect yourself from a debt collection lawsuit you can file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filing for either of these types of bankruptcy will create a “stay” that halts any creditors from starting debt collection activities, which includes the debt collection lawsuit.
What Should I do if I Have a Debt Collection Lawsuit?
Burrow & Associates is committed to helping families avoid debt collection lawsuits and get a fresh financial start. Give us a call at (678) 323-2394 or request a consultation today. We have offices in Athens, Conyers, Duluth, Morrow, Kennesaw, and Gainesville for your convenience.
At Burrow & Associates, our clients’ financial peace and stability come first. “Law is Our Expertise. Faith is Our Foundation.”