If you are in financial trouble and are considering filing for bankruptcy, there are certain actions you should avoid. Here are a few things that you should NOT do when filing for bankruptcy: raiding your retirement accounts, paying back friends or family, incurring any new debt, transferring property or assets, or purchasing any luxury items….
Many people may be intimidated by the phrase “personal injury litigation”, but, put simply, the word “litigation” means a balancing of power. Our country has a legal system through which an individual who has suffered a loss can balance power with a multibillion-dollar insurance company. The personal injury litigation process begins by filing a lawsuit….
Can I File for Bankruptcy and Keep My Car? If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be wondering “can I keep my car if I file for bankruptcy?” The good news is, it’s actually rare that you will lose your primary vehicle in a bankruptcy. The bankruptcy system is set up to allow debtors…
Should you hire a personal injury attorney to handle your case? What are the benefits of hiring a personal injury attorney? If you’re looking for representation for an accident or negligence claim, the answer is “yes, you should hire an attorney”. A personal injury attorney can advocate for your case, help prove that the at-fault…