Settlement for 20 times the policy limit of $50,000 due to at-fault carriers bad faith refusal to pay.
Policy limit tender of remaining limits after wrongful death of our clients loved one.
Recovery after fall where client suffered a low back injury requiring surgery.
Recovery against a rideshare company who disputed liability.
Settlement reached for a minor after the at-fault drivers insurance carrier denied liability and offered $0.00.
Mediated settlement after our client was struck as a pedestrian resulting in a torn rotator cuff.
Recovery for ride-share passenger where the driver caused the wreck and fled the scene.
Recovery for client after car wreck. Resolved for $350,000 more than carriers best pre-suit offer.
Mediated settlement from dog attack requiring a low back surgery.
Policy limits recovery for rear-end wreck with minimal property damage.
Rear-end collision with minimal visible vehicle damage.
Recovery for minor client against the parents of another minor for negligent entrustment of a moped to their minor child.
Client rear-ended at a stop light.
Recovery for rear-end wreck while client was stopped in traffic.
Recovery after a road wreck case. Best pre-suit offer by the liability carrier was $4,100.
Policy limits recovery ($25,000 – liability) and ($100,000 – U/M) in single car wreck.
Recovery where defendant company deleted its tracking logs after the wreck.
Settlement after food delivery company denied their driver was using their app at the time of the wreck.
Motor vehicle wreck resulting in policy limits recovery.
Settlement for client with $40,000.00 of medicals from a car wreck.