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Chlorine Catastrophe

Recently our community has been exposed to shelter in place orders disrupting businesses, schools, and the daily lives of thousands of people when an industrial fire released dangerous chemicals into the air. In situations where corporations mishandle dangerous substances, they may be liable for the injuries caused by exposure to those substances. This area of the law is known as “toxic torts” and requires experienced legal guidance to navigate successfully.

Although it may seem obvious that a polluting company should be held liable for injuring people, if the evidence is not developed properly the case will fail. In choosing a law firm to represent you in a toxic tort case you must learn whether the firm has access to chemical, engineering, and medical experts and the resources to support your case fully.

In some toxic tort cases the pollutant is so toxic that if it is released the polluter will be automatically or strictly liable. However, more often than not, your case will depend on proving that the polluter acted negligently as opposed to the release being the product of an unforeseeable accident or an act of God. Doing this properly requires working with attorneys who know how to secure expert testimony from industry professionals and engineers.

Your case then relies on proving that your injury was caused directly by exposure to the toxic substance. Having a health problem that started after the release of the substance alone is not enough. Often this requires multiple experts to produce evidence of this causation.

Every step of your toxic tort case requires the guidance of an experienced attorney. Hiring the wrong law firm can result in the loss of your claim. If you or someone you know has been injured by exposure to chlorine gas or another dangerous substance released into the air or water, reach out to Burrow & Associates today for a free consultation to discuss all of your options.  We can be reached at (866) ATLANTA or www.LegalAtlanta.com.

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