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Your Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys

Every day in the US, about 30 people are killed in drunk-driving-related accidents. That’s about 12,000 people every year. (Source: NHTSA). According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, many of those convicted of drunk driving got behind the wheel at least 80 times before they were arrested for DUI. Even if a drunk driver loses their license, 50-75% will still continue to operate a vehicle.

Georgia’s DUI Laws

In Georgia, a driver is considered Under the Influence if their blood alcohol content is 0.08 or higher. For those younger than 21, the legal limit is 0.02%. For commercial drivers, it is illegal to drive in Georgia with a blood alcohol content of 0.04% or higher. Drunk driving is a serious offense in Georgia. Individuals convicted of DUI can lose their license as well as face jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. If the impaired driver had multiple DUIs or caused a serious injury, they could face felony charges.

Why DUI Accidents Are More Complicated

When a person consumes alcohol, it affects their depth perception, motor skills, and overall judgment. Three things that are necessary for the safe operation of a vehicle. Someone who is driving under the influence will have slower reaction times and won’t be able to take quick, corrective actions. This means that they are more likely to cause or be involved in an accident.

When someone chooses to drink and then get behind the wheel, they put themselves and everyone else on the road in danger. DUI accidents can result in catastrophic injuries and even deaths. A DUI driver can be held legally responsible for any damage – to property or other people – that happens as a result of their reckless and negligent behavior. These drunk driving accidents can be much more complicated than other accidents because of the potential injuries and charges involved. That’s why anyone injured by a drunk driver should reach out to an Atlanta drunk driving accident attorney.

How an Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Attorney Can Help

If you have been injured as the result of an accident with a drunk driver, there are a number of ways an Atlanta drunk driving accident attorney can help. Here’s a look at some of the key ways an attorney can assist with your case:

  • Assess your personal injury case and advise you (and your family) and the best legal course of action
  • Inform you about your rights as a victim of a DUI crash, including how you may be compensated for the accident
  • Explain the complicated legal process of personal injury cases
  • Collect all of the evidence necessary to file your personal injury case
  • Conduct a thorough investigation of the DUI crash, as well as the records of the drunk driver who caused the accident
  • File your personal injury case
  • Negotiate with the insurance companies for a fair settlement
  • Help recover compensation for emotional distress, as well as physical injuries. This can include lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, medical bills, and physical therapy.
  • Request that punitive damages be awarded (punitive damages are intended to punish the DUI driver for their reckless and negligent actions and deter them from driving drunk in the future).
  • If the DUI accident is fatal, the attorney can help the surviving family file a wrongful death claim to recover damages.

Have Additional Questions? Contact the Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys at Burrow & Associates

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident with a drunk driver, an Atlanta drunk driving accident attorney can help. The experienced attorneys at Burrow & Associates can help you get the compensation you deserve, for both your injuries and any property damage. Handling your accident case while you’re dealing with injuries and medical bills shouldn’t be a burden you need to carry. Let Burrow & Associates help you go from hurt to healed. Call us at (678) 323-2394 for a free initial consultation.

Categories: Personal Injury
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