Severe burns are one of the most painful injuries a person can suffer, and they usually require intensive medical care. Burns can leave victims with disfiguration and chronic health issues. Whether the burn was caused by a car accident, workplace accident, or another event, victims can seek compensation from the person or group responsible
Common Types of Burn Injuries
In the context of personal injury, severe burns can have a profound and long-lasting impact on an individual. Burn injuries can cause permanent scarring on the victim’s skin and also damage their internal organs and bones. Burns can take months or even years to recover; many victims are treated with skin graft surgeries and other invasive medical procedures. During recovery, burn victims are also at a higher risk of infection than other patients.
Burns are typically categorized by how many layers of skin are damaged, the associated pain, and what level of medical treatment is required. Burns are broken down into degrees:
- First-Degree Burns: minor burns affecting only the top layer of skin; some pain and swelling; these injuries typically heal on their own with basic first aid.
- Second-Degree Burns: multiple layers of skin are impacted; the individual may experience extensive swelling and blistering; a medical professional is required; there may be permanent scarring.
- Third-Degree Burns: these burns affect all layers of skin; victims may suffer extreme pain, nerve damage, and disfigurement; emergency medical treatment is required.
- Fourth-Degree Burns: these burns penetrate all layers of skin and may damage muscles, tissue, ligaments, and bones; fourth-degree burns are often fatal or leave victims with permanent injuries that require major surgery and rehabilitation.
In addition to the different categories or degrees of burns, there are also different types of burns: thermal, scald, electrical, and chemical.
Common Causes of Severe Burns
While some fires and explosions are purely accidents, many burn victims are injured because of another person or group’s negligent or careless actions. Some of the burn injury claims commonly filed against other parties are:
- Burn injury in a vehicle accident
- Burn injuries on a dangerous property
- Burn injury at work
- Burn injury from a dangerous or defective product
When a property owner, company owner, or manufacturer does not take reasonable measures to ensure that their guests or clients are safe, severe or even deadly accidents can happen. When someone gets behind the wheel and drives negligently, other people on the road can get hurt.
Filing a Burn Injury Lawsuit
As with all personal injuries in Georgia, a burn victim has the right to claim recovery from the person or group whose negligence led to their injuries. Depending on who was responsible for the accident, the burn victim may pursue a premises liability lawsuit (dangerous property), a product liability claim (defective device), a workers’ compensation case (injured at work), or a personal injury suit (vehicle accident).
The type of financial compensation a burn victim might receive depends on the circumstances of the accident – what caused the accident, where did it happen, and the severity of the injuries. Burn victims who seek an injury lawsuit may be entitled to compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and diminished quality of life.
How a Burn Injury Attorney Can Help
Under Georgia Law, burn victims have two years from the date of the incident to file their personal injury claim.
A burn accident attorney can handle the details of your case so that you can focus on your recovery. An experienced attorney will be able to explain your legal rights and advocate for you. If needed, they can connect you with the medical resources you will need for your treatment, rehabilitation, and other therapies.
Have Additional Questions? Contact Our Team of Burn Injury Attorneys
Burrow & Associates is dedicated to helping burn victims pursue justice and compensation after a serious accident. Our team of experienced burn injury attorneys will discuss your best legal options and serve you with respect and personalized attention. If you or a loved one has been severely burned and needs help with your case, please reach out to us at (678) 323-2394 or our online contact form. We offer free initial consultations at our four conveniently located Atlanta offices and offer virtual services.