Just like us, you likely welcome the arrival of warmer weather and springtime. Gone are the days of waking and commuting in darkness. The need to blast the car’s heater for warmth becomes a thing of the past. Additionally, the sporadic threats of ice, snow, or other unpleasant winter conditions fade away. But as the weather warms up, so does the number of situations that increase your risk of car accidents due to weather conditions.
6 Warm Weather Car Accident Risks This Spring and Summer
- More sun glare. The sun will especially affect your driving in the early mornings and evenings when you commute to and from work. Many people soldier on through sun glare even though it’s literally blinding them, increasing the risk of a car crash or hitting a pedestrian. Consider wearing a quality pair of sunglasses, avoiding routes that directly face the sun, or altering the times you drive to avoid the early and late hours when the sun blinds you.
- More people out and about. More vehicle traffic means more chance of accidents. When warmer weather hits, people like to get out—dining out, attending concerts and festivals, and going on vacation. That also means more reckless driving as people lose patience with heavy traffic or sometimes drive drunk. Stay aware of traffic patterns and congestion during peak events, festivals, and vacation times, and watch out for reckless drivers.
- More teens on the road. Teens are inexperienced drivers, and they start to heavily populate the road in warmer weather as they head to the mall, the beach, and parties at friends’ houses. Unfortunately, no teen driving curfew exists, so stay aware of other drivers during peak times when teens like to hang out, such as weeknights and weekends.
- More pedestrians and bicyclists. Warmer weather brings out lots of pedestrians and bicyclists who share the road with you and also increases the amount of danger when you drive. From more pedestrians walking on city streets to bicyclists sharing heavily trafficked roads with cars, your risk of a deadly car accident due to weather increases if you’re not paying attention. Even if you’re in a hurry and impatient, take a deep breath and always err on the side of extreme caution when giving the right of way to any pedestrians and bicyclists.
- More construction. States like to get busy with construction in warmer weather. Construction causes abnormal changes in speed, changes typical lane paths, and increases danger when road crews close off shoulders or require workers to stand close to traffic. When you drive through construction, slow down and stay on high alert until you see the “End Road Work” sign.
- More wear and tear on your car. Depending on the age and quality of your car, warmer weather increases the risk of overheating, tire blowouts, and engine problems related to sun and heat. Especially before summer hits, make sure your car’s oil, tires, engine, coolant, and air conditioning are in tip-top shape. A tire blowout or engine malfunction in the midst of heavy traffic can seriously endanger you, your family, and other people on the road.
By adopting additional safety measures, reducing your speed, and being vigilant about your environment and other motorists, you can enhance your ability to travel safely in warmer conditions, thereby reducing the likelihood of car accidents due to weather conditions.
Should you find yourself involved in car accidents due to weather conditions, don’t hesitate to seek assistance. Burrow & Associates, LLC offers a complimentary consultation. Our offices are located in the following areas: